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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

This Newsletter contains the first call for papers for the IAMO Forum 2007, Sustainable rural development: What is the role of the agri-food sector? Also, we are especially delighted that Kathrin Happe, a member of the IAMO research staff, has been nominated for the prize for distinguished academic work by young scientists employed at Institutes of the Leibniz Association. She was nominated by Section B, Economics, Social Sciences, Space Research of the Leibniz Association, Furthermore, the newsletter will provide you with updates on news, events, publications, and other topics related to the scientific work of the Institute.

Prof. Dr. Alfons Balmann
(Managing Director)



In this issue we will inform you about:


Call for Papers for the IAMO Forum 2007

The IAMO Forum 2007 will take place in Halle (Saale) from June 27- 29. The topic of the conference will be Sustainable rural development: What is the role of the agri-food sector? Proposals for contributions can be submitted as a two-page summary until 1 st December 2006, to forum2007@iamo.de . A call for papers and further information can be found on the conference website .

Gabriele Mewes
Phone: +49 345 29 28 110



IAMO at Green Week 2007: Bio-energy and European Agriculture

During Green Week 2007, the 14 th East-West Agricultural Forum on European agriculture and Bio-energy will take place. Together with other international scientists, IAMO will organise a symposium regarding the question of whether or not bio-energy is a strategic alternative for European farmers. On Friday 19 th January 2007, the one-day symposium will start at 09:30 in Hall 9, ICC Berlin. The focus of the symposium will be on the potential of European agriculture to extract bio-energy and which prospects, risks and expectations are bound to bio-energy.

Klaus Reinsberg
Phone: +49 345 29 28 133


Kathrin Happe nominated for the young scientist price of the Leibniz Association

The Leibniz Association yearly awards a prize for the best academic work of young scientists employed at Institutes of the Leibniz Association . A distinguished dissertation from a member institute of the Leibniz Association shall be honoured with this prize. First, each of the five sections of the Leibniz Association elects one candidate from all proposals submitted. In a second step, the grand jury appoints a winner. This year the Section B Economics, Social Sciences, Space Research of the Leibniz Association, which contains 17 institutes, has nominated the dissertation of Kathrin Happe, titled „Structural, efficiency, and income effects of agricultural policies – an agent based analysis of the region Hohenlohe in Southwest Germany“. This study has already won the GEWISOLA prize for best dissertation in 2005. GEWISOLA is the Association of German agricultural economists.

Kathrin Happe
Phone: +49 345 29 28 322



New DFG-project on social capital acquired

Last August, the German Research Foundation (DFG) approved a funding proposal for the research project Social capital and informal social networks in a changing natural and institutional environment. A team coordinated by Gertrud Buchenrieder, head of IAMO’s agricultural policy department, prepared the proposal. The project aims to enhance understanding of the role of social capital and social networks in rural households' economic behaviour. Household surveys in Vietnam and Thailand will be conducted to compile data sets for econometric analyses and particularly inter-country comparisons. The collaborative project will involve partners from the Hanoi Agricultural University and the Kasetsart University, Bangkok.

Gertrud Buchenrieder
Tel.: +49 345 29 28 110



New EU-Project acquired: addressing rural structural change (SCARLED)

The project proposal Structural change in agriculture and rural livelihoods (SCARLED) for the 6 th framework program of the EU, written under the leadership of Gertrud Buchenrieder, has been accepted. Ten partners from eight countries are cooperating in this project, with IAMO’s Department of Agricultural Policy coordinating. The aims of the project are twofold. On the one hand, the focus is on analyzing the restructuring process in the agricultural sector and the socio-economic transformation of rural areas in the new member states. On the other hand, the analogous processes in prior accession rounds of the old EU-15 will be analyzed in order to find some lessons for the new member states.

Judith Möllers
Tel.: +49 345 29 28 127



IAMO researchers contribute to the Worldbank’s World Development Report 2008

Following an invitation of InWEnt gGmbH, researchers from IAMO joined the preparations for the World Development Report 2008 Agriculture for Development of the Worldbank. Martin Petrick and Axel Wolz took part in an international policy workshop in early September, where Martin Petrick gave a presentation on decentralisation and local governance in Polish rural development. His results will be incorporated into the World Development Report and will be published in the Worldbank’s and InWEnt gGmbH’s Berlin Workshop Series . Further information can be obtained from the Worldbank and the InWEnt gGmbH.

Martin Petrick
phone: +49 345 29 28 120


Staff matters

Dr. Peter Weingarten has been offered the position of director of the Institute of Rural Studies at the Federal Agricultural Research Centre (FAL).



Recent Publications

all IAMO publications

Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe

CURTISS, J., BALMANN, A., DAUTZENBERG, K., HAPPE, K. (Eds.) (2006): Agriculture in the Face of Changing Markets, Institutions and Policies – Challenges and strategies, Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 33, download.

IAMO Discussion Papers

GRAMZOW, A. (2006): Endogenous initiatives as a chance to improve rural livelihood? Results of a case study in Baltow, South-eastern Poland, IAMO Discussion Paper No. 95 , Halle (Saale), download.

RUNGSURIYAWIBOON, S., LISSITSA, A. (2006): Agricultural productivity growth in the European Union and transition countries, IAMO Discussion Paper No. 94, Halle (Saale), download.

LISSITSA, A., LUKA, O., GAGALJUK, T., KVASA, S. (2006): Edinaja Agrarnaja Politika Evropejskogo Sojuza – Put' stanovlenija i principy funkcionirovanija [Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union – Development and Principles], IAMO Discussion Paper No. 92, Halle (Saale), download.

ČIMPOES, D., SCHULZE, E. (2006): Ėkonomičeskoe sostojanie sel'skochozjajstvennych predprijatij Respubliki Moldova [The Economic Situation of the Republic of Moldova], IAMO Discussion Paper No. 91, Halle (Saale), download.

Further selected publications

BALMANN, A., DAUTZENBERG, K., HAPPE, K., KELLERMANN, K. (2006): On the dynamics of structural change in agriculture: Internal frictions, policy threats and vertical integration, Outlook on Agriculture, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 115–121.

BRÜMMER, B., GLAUBEN, T., LU, W. (2006): Policy reform and productivity change in Chinese agriculture: A distance function approach, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 81, No.1, pp. 61-79.

HAPPE, K., DAMGAARD, M., OSUCH, A., SATTLER, C., ZANDER, P., UTHES, S., SCHULER, J., PIORR, A. (2006): CAP-reform and the provision of non-commodity outputs in Brandenburg, Agrarwirtschaft, Vol. 55, No. 5, pp. 268-279.

HAPPE, K., KELLERMANN, K., BALMANN, A. (2006): Agent-based Analysis of Agricultural Policies: An illustration of the Agricultural Policy Simulator AgriPoliS, its adaptation and behavior, Ecology and Society, 11 (1): 49. [online] URL: <http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/
vol11/iss1/art49/> download .

KOPSIDIS, M. (2006): Ernteerträge, in: Jaeger, F. (Ed.): Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, Vol. 3, Verlag J. B. Metzler, Stuttgart/Weimar, pp. 490-495.

SAUER, J., FROHBERG, K., HOCKMANN, H. (2006): Stochastic Efficiency Measurement:
The curse of theoretical consistency, Journal of Applied Economics, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 139-165.

VALENTINOV, V. (2006): Rural partnership as a governance mechanism: Toward an organizational economic perspective on rural governance, Journal of Rural Development, Vol. 28, pp. 159-183.

VOIGT, P. (2006): Russia's way from planning toward a market: A success story?, Post-communist Economies, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 123-138.

WOLZ, A., FRITZSCH, J., PENCAKOVA, J. (2006): The impact of structural social capital on farm income in the Czech Republic, Agricultural Economics (Zemédélská Ekonomika), Vol. 52, No. 6, pp. 281-288.

Leibniz-Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe (IAMO)
Theodor-Lieser-Str. 2
06120 Halle (Saale), Germany

Ansprechpartner: Dr. Michael Kopsidis
Tel.: +49 345 29 28 230
Fax: +49 345 29 28 299


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